Maintaining a positive outlook can be challenging in a world that thrives on negativity.

I once had the pleasure of meeting a man who was successful, wealthy, and intelligent. He always appeared to be positive, but upon closer observation, I discovered that his actions did not match his words. This made me reflect on how challenging it can be to maintain a positive outlook, particularly in a world that seems to thrive on negativity. One tip is to focus on your actions matching your words. Here are other tips to help steer us in the right direction to remain positive throughout life.

People who maintain a positive attitude tend to be optimistic, supportive, and constructive. Conversely, those with a negative outlook are often pessimistic, harmful, and unappealing. Research conducted by Dr. John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago suggests that our brains are naturally inclined toward negative information. This explains why negative news and comments a greater impact on us have than positive ones, causing personal insults or criticism to linger in our minds for longer periods.

According to psychologist Dr. John Gottman from the University of Washington, he reports couples (and any two people) can improve their success by maintaining a five-to-one ratio of positive to negative interactions. This ratio can be applied to any situation. Essentially, for every negative interaction, it takes five positive interactions to fix the situation. It’s no surprise that we live in a world filled with negativity. Personally, I find this guideline to be a great reminder to stay positive, since it’s easier than dwelling on negativity in the long run.

One way to increase positivity in our relationships is to create a list of people we care about. This can be done by writing each person’s name on separate sheets of paper or pages within a computer program. Then, perform a SWOT analysis for each person and refer back to these sheets regularly as a reminder of our responsibility to maintain healthy relationships. When evaluating someone, take note of their positive qualities and skills (Strengths), as well as their emotional sensitivities (Weaknesses). To improve the relationship, consider ways to show appreciation and express gratitude (Opportunities for closer connections). It’s also important to identify potential obstacles and pitfalls that may arise (Threats) and take necessary steps to avoid them. It is equally important to learn how to manage the triggers we receive from others that can set us down the wrong path.

As individuals, we flourish in environments filled with love, peace, praise, and appreciation. Kindness and love play a vital role in creating a better world. It’s important to take time regularly to consider both our own negative tendencies and those of others. Developing a solid plan, and sticking to it, to overcome these tendencies can lead to a happier, healthier life. By maintaining a positive outlook, we can contribute to making the world a better place.

“Change your attitude! when you change your attitude, you change your behavior;
When you change your behavior, you change your performance;
When you change your performance, You change your life!”

—By Walter Doyle Staples From Performance: Your Guide to Personal & Professional Excellence
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