dalai-lama-hi-resHere is a meaningful quote from the Dalai Lama, about how to live one’s life well. Please it three times to absorb its deepest meaning:

Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet,
a guest, who will only stay for a limited time.
What greater folly could there be than to spend this
short time alone, unhappy, or in conflict with our companions?
Far better, surely, to use our short time here in living
a meaningful life, enriched by our sense of connection
with others and being of service to them.
~ Dalai Lama

This quote by the Dalai Lama suggests that we should not waste our brief time on Earth being lonely, unhappy, or in conflict with others. Instead, we should focus on building supportive relationships, and happiness, and positively impacting others’ lives.  If we don’t, we will isolate ourselves and separate ourselves from others in ways that will result in negativity and ultimately affect our health and well-being mentally and physically.  Rather, we must prioritize and focus our efforts to build positive relationships with everyone we encounter; and in so doing bring about happiness in all we do.

Now, ask yourself: Am I living a fulfilling life without loneliness, unhappiness, or constant conflict with others at work, home, and in the community?

Living our best lives is something we all strive for, but sometimes our own thoughts and actions hinder us from reaching our full potential. It’s important to take a moment to reflect on this.

Take time to evaluate your life. Write down ways to live happier, more fulfilling, and guilt-free. How will you show love and care to friends and family? What good things can you do with and for them?

If you’ve seen the quote before, this quote was the inspiration for a recent Facebook quote.  (BTW, if you aren’t following me on social media each week, please do Tuesdays on  LinkedIn, Wednesdays on Facebook, and Thursdays, on Instagram.

BONUS:  Because this quote affects me deeply, I reformatted it on an 8.5 x 11-inch sheet, printed it, and read it every day as a constant reminder and PLEDGE (People Leaving Everyone to Do Good Everywhere) to live a life of goodness.  If you want a PDF of what I created, email Info@AdvancedEtiquette.com, with the subject “Dalai Lama,” and I’ll send you a nicely formatted sheet you can frame and post to read often.

Happy Practicing!

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