In today’s world, the term “branding” is being used to refer to almost everything – be it products, businesses, and even individuals. This tip is on how you can start the journey of self-awareness toward building an excellent etiquette brand.
Let’s begin by asking yourself: How do people perceive me? Am I doing things the best way? Do people speak highly of me or not? Here are five tips to set you on the right path. For more tips, stay tuned to future posts and attend one of our seminars, where we take lots of time to work on building each participant’s etiquette brand.
1: People will care about you if you care about them. Yet, you could also ask: “Why should I care about someone who doesn’t seem to care about me?” The truth is, what others do or say to you should not determine how you treat them. Don’t let your actions be guided by the principle of “an eye for an eye,” as the Bible suggests. Instead, treat everyone with courtesy, kindness, honesty, respect, and consideration, regardless of how they treat you.
2: Be clear about your brand and make decisions based on it. When planning my etiquette brand, I consciously sought the kinds of people I enjoy spending time with who are fun and kind to others, just as I try to be. I realized that certain types of people do not fit my style, like those who use profanity all the time and those who are always negative and don’t fulfill pledges made. Even though they are good people, they don’t share the same values as me. I will always attract and maintain relationships with people who exhibit the same positive qualities I aspire to possess. Maintaining friendships with everyone is not realistic.
3: Excel in what you know best and then work on what needs improving. In the book “Soar with Your Strengths” by Donald Clifton and Paula Nelson, the authors suggest we concentrate on enhancing and excelling at our strengths. This approach helps us succeed in every aspect of life. As we work toward enhancing our strengths the weaknesses become self-significant, making them easier to manage. Be the best you can be!
4: Being unique is good. Some people fear standing out at events by following correct etiquette and thinking by following correct behavior, such as wearing their name badge on their right chest or using a fork in their left hand, leading to losing friendships. True friends will accept you even if you’re different and more correct than others. In branding, standing out from the crowd is often essential. It means you are doing the right things at the right time and in the right way. Stick with it!
5: Be authentic in all you do. When I was young, I tried to use minor swear words to fit in; it wasn’t me. People noticed and were annoyed at hearing such words from me, even though they heard them from others regularly. Being genuine means avoiding doing things for the wrong reasons. Show etiquette without expecting anything in return for the best results physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Building a brand based on etiquette requires a lifetime of consistent practice. It is similar to building a broken record, where you must repeatedly display, show, and remind yourself and others of the correct and appropriate behavior. By doing this, we can all contribute to making the world a better place to live. It’s imperative never to give up!
Happy Practicing!