When I attend events and I tell people what I do for a living, they share their grievances about how rude and inappropriate others are during their interactions. This inspired me to compile a list of my top pet peeves. This may become a periodic theme, as shown in a recent Instagram poston restaurant pet peeves. Check it out at: www.instagram.com/advancedetiquette.

1: Tardiness. 
I don’t know about you, but consistent lateness bothers me. It shows a lack of consideration and a selfish attitude. Regardless of any underlying condition, such as having a psychological disorder, it can be managed. In most global cultures, the trend is to prioritize being on time and be mindful of how being late affects others. If seeking professional help is what it takes, do it. Being punctual shows how much you care.

2: Use of electronic devices. 
It is incredibly rude to use your electronic device while in the company of others, including during meetings, classes, parties, restaurants, and movies. This behavior implies that your device is more important than the person you are with and that you are allowing yourself to be distracted from the present moment. To remedy this, always ensure that your phone is turned off or on vibrate while in the company of others.

3: Speaking loudly in public.
Especially when on a cell phone, speaking too loud becomes a nuisance to others. This behavior can be seen on public transportation, in restaurants, on the street, and even at the movies. The people who engage in this behavior are usually unaware of the disturbance they are causing others. Pay attention to others and their body language when talking in public to remedy this behavior. If people look at you or seem to be overhearing your conversation, it might be a sign that your voice is too loud. Another solution for cell phone users is to move the phone away from your ear slightly while talking. This will allow your voice to resonate more naturally, and you will be able to hear how loudly you are speaking. 

4: Email replies to “All.”
Avoid sending a batch message to a group of people who do not all know each other. Also, refrain from sending a reply to all when only one person needs to be informed about your response, i.e., your attendance at a meeting. Instead, use the BCC line when sending batch messages or only reply to the person who needs to see your response. When forwarding messages with a trail of previous addresses showing, delete all previous addresses, leaving only the forwarded content.

5: Being a no-show.
It bothers me when someone confirms their attendance at a party and fails to show up without notice. Such behavior on the part of the guest shows a lack of consideration towards the host. The simple remedy: Inform the host immediately when you cannot attend, even at the last moment, via email, text, or phone call. In case of unforeseeable circumstances, send an apology message afterward.

6: Party crashing.
Never attend anything unannounced, especially special events, such as weddings or dinner parties, without informing the host or organizer beforehand. To avoid any inconvenience, call the host/organizer even at the last minute to confirm whether it’s acceptable for you to attend.

7: Extra guests.
It is never appropriate to bring uninvited guests to any gathering without first asking permission from the host. The simple solution is to call the host to confirm, which is a necessary courtesy.

8: Dining out in a group.
When in the company of more than three people, dividing the restaurant bill by what each person ordered is a hassle. The best solution is to gain agreement among everyone at the table to divide the check evenly. To be considerate of non-drinkers at the table, it’s advisable to ask for a separate check for the alcohol and wine, as the cost of these drinks can be higher than the cost of the entire meal.

Conclusion: This list of pet peeves can be infinite. Please add to the list by sharing your annoyances in the comments section. Also, be sure to offer a remedy to the issue you raise so that it is not merely a complaint. This is in the spirit of aspiring to be a better global citizen and learning from each other’s experiences.

Happy Practicing!

Reminder: Along with my 8 Chinese good luck number tips, I also wish you Happy Practicing as my mantra to making all skills a habit.

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