Because we use electronic devices as our primary interaction tool, personal connections have diminished. Despite this, I believe “Etiquette is an Attitude” is a mantra everyone should adopt.

People often think the word “attitude” has negative connotations, as in having an attitude about this or that. However, as Oxford Languages states, attitude is… “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.”  So, attitude is a word we can use to describe something positively.

As Emily Post states, “Whenever two people come together, and their behavior affects the another, you have etiquette.”

Here are eight compelling reasons why embracing etiquette as an attitude is essential for your individual well-being and society:

  1. It builds trust. Etiquette is a symbol of integrity and reliability. When you behave in a way that aligns with the best social conventions and expectations, you earn the trust and confidence of those around you. Trust forms the foundation of effective communication and collaboration in professional settings and personal relationships. When you uphold the belief thatEtiquette is an Attitude,” you reinforce your commitment to honesty, transparency, and accountability.
  2. It is inclusive. Despite the demise of DEI initiatives in many companies and states in the U.S., etiquette transcends cultural and social barriers. It makes everyone feel welcome and valued. By understanding and respecting diverse customs and traditions, we learn to accept and appreciate others. Inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of a harmonious society and is what having the right attitude means.
  3. It enhances professionalism. Professional etiquette distinguishes exceptional individuals from ordinary ones. Employers value employees who can navigate business and social situations gracefully and professionally. These employees can accelerate profits, foster career advancement opportunities, and develop a positive and happy work culture.
  4. It facilitates positive interactions. Making “Etiquette is an Attitude” a part of your existence will be the guiding light to smooth out rough edges. Whether working through awkward situations with tact, diffusing conflicts diplomatically, or gracefully accepting compliments, it creates positive impressions and paves the way for fruitful connections and collaborations.
  5. It cultivates self-improvement. “Etiquette is an Attitude” mirrors professional and personal growth and development. With the right attitude, life becomes a journey of self-improvement and refinement. Whether mastering the art of small talk, honing table manners, or polishing communication skills for business and life, each effort to enhance your etiquette skills contributes to your overall growth as an individual in society and as a valued global citizen.
  6. It cultivates respect. Etiquette is the cornerstone of mutual respect. When you say “please” and “thank you” and hold the door open for others or respect their personal space, you acknowledge the dignity and worth of those around us. Demonstrating respect through our actions and words creates an atmosphere of civility and consideration.
  7.  It upholds tradition: Etiquette preserves time-honored traditions and customs that enrich our lives. From formal ceremonies and celebrations to everyday rituals and courtesies, etiquette connects us to others and instills a sense of continuity and belonging. When you uphold traditional etiquettes, you pay tribute to those who came before us and pass on invaluable lessons of respect, gratitude, and decorum to future generations.

  8. It fosters empathy. Etiquette encourages us to consider the feelings and perspectives of others. Whether you actively listen during a conversation, offer assistance to someone in need, or refrain from interrupting, practicing good etiquette requires you to empathize with others. This approach strengthens bonds and nurtures meaningful relationships.

    Conclusion: Etiquette challenges us to be the best versions of ourselves every minute of the day. It constantly evolves to fit the situation. Join me in dedicating yourself to this philosophy that “Etiquette is an attitude” we must all have. Let it come alive in all you do, and then miracles will happen as you enjoy the results.  By dismissing individuals and groups who do not adhere to respect, consideration, kindness, empathy, honesty, truth, manners, etiquette, and overall civility, you can cultivate harmonious relationships, foster inclusivity, and contribute to a more civilized and compassionate society. Let us endeavor to uphold these principles of etiquette in our daily interactions, enriching our lives and all the lives of those around us, and in so doing, bring about a beautiful world in which to live.


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