Ten years ago, I published an article on workplace civility, which shared the results of a national survey and other tips for viewers. Here’s the original article, also at https://www.advancedetiquette.com/communications/civility-and-etiquette-in-the-workplace/
Here’s the final latest report in 2019. Also at: https://www.slideshare.net/Weber_Shandwick/civility-in-america-2019-solutions-for-tomorrow
Now, in 2023, here are my added perspectives:
Civility has been on a downward trend in the last decade; in 2021, it reached a tipping point. The storming of the United States Capitol in January took incivility to an entirely new level, while political unrest, global weather-related disasters, and the ongoing pandemic-induced isolation added fuel to the fire. Due to limited in-person interaction opportunities, social media has become many people’s primary means of communication. Especially when discussing politics—and other hard-to-discuss subjects—most people lack the necessary skills to discuss them respectfully, considerately, and honestly. As a result, many conversations become unproductive, leading to further division instead of progress.
I believe: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ~ Barack Obama
Conclusion: Whether you are the business owner, on the management team, are the HR/employee engagement director/manager or diversity/inclusion initiative, or an individual team member/employee in a company, we must take a leadership role to reverse the trend of incivility. In so doing, help the world get back on track toward developing a society filled with happiness, health, wealth, joy, and prosperity.
Happy Practicing!
[To learn more about Syndi Seid and how Advanced Etiquette helps companies and individuals bring back civility, accelerate profits, advance careers, and achieve success, log onto www.AdvancedEtiquette.com to book a no-obligation strategy call to explore your visions on how this can become a reality.]