As a graduate of the The Emily Post Institute, I’ve come to realize the true meaning of why we have etiquette in our lives and why we should display it at all times.
By the way, if you don’t recognize the name Emily Post, she was born in 1872 and later became the grand dame of American etiquette. (See her new biography at
Anyway, the training made me realize that etiquette just isn’t about memorizing a bunch of do’s and don’ts; its true purpose is to build relationships. This goal is at the heart of why we display good manners and civility in our daily lives, and why we show consideration, respect, and honesty.
With the completion of this course, I now have four certifications from The Protocol School of Washington in DC., one from The Disney Institute on Customer Service, and now this one from The Emily Post Institute. With each course I take to continue my own personal and professional development I continue to realize more and more how much the world needs to get along better and show more humanity, kindness, courtesy, and respect in order to achieve world peace.
Since this year, I’ve been on a solid path to re-invent, re-engineer, and re-brand our products and services, all to provide comprehensive training and consulting in international business and social etiquette and protocol. Please join us on our journey to change how we interact with each other, one person at a time.
A Thanksgiving Message
Especially during the American Thanksgiving month of November, I give thanks to everyone who has touched my life professionally and personally: clients, customers, colleagues, friends, family, associates, and you, my loyal subscribers and readers of this newsletter. You are the people who keep my spirits up and give me inspiration to make my life and career successful.
Although we live in troubled times, my wish to you is to turn away from the doubts and fears you may be experiencing. Instead, turn toward the inner strength we all have within us to get through these tough times. I invite you to contact me if I can be of some help in any way. I would enjoy hearing from you. Thank you for being a part of my life.
QUESTION: What other items do you have to add to this Tip? Do let us hear from you by locating this article at You may also reach us at If you enjoyed this article and want more, subscribe to our “Etiquette Tip of the Month” newsletter—at no charge—filled with great monthly tips on all sorts of topics from international business and social etiquette and protocol to everyday life subjects. It will be great to have you as a member of our happy family of subscribers at I hope you have enjoyed these tips on how to be good participant and great facilitator of a business meeting. If you have other tips you’ve found useful, please let me hear from you at I always enjoy hearing from subscribers to see how many of you are truly reading these newsletters.
Enjoy… and Happy Practicing!