oct04worldI read some amazing quotes this month about how to live life. Here are the first two:

1. “Everyone has two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.” — Steven Sotloff

2.I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance” — Maya Angelou.

Reading these quotes got me thinking about how we must break our old bad habits of destructive behavior to instead build and make a life that is productive, fun, happy, and enjoyable… at the workplace, at home, and in our community. After all, if we only have one life to live, we deserve it to be a happy and productive one, and in a loving environment. Here are six more quotes I’ve been pondering… many from the late, great Dr. Maya Angelou:

3.I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life.” — Maya Angelou.  Start today by giving yourself a second chance. Make a life that is guilt free and positive.

4.  “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi.  Forget “Do as I say, not as I do.” Do better! We all want to live in a world where everyone interacts with each other with kindness, respect, consideration, and goodness. Consciously set a goal to be part of it.

5. “If it was meant to be, it’s up to me.” — Terri Gulick.  If we truly believe in Quotes 1 and 2, then here’s one way to fulfill Quotes 3 and 4: Begin by keeping an Etiquette Diary for at least the next 10 days (ideally a notepad (iPad)/small notebook beside your bed, marking one page per day to fill in). Each day before you sleep write down at least three situations you encountered each day that you either handled well or poorly.

Applaud yourself for handling something well, by listing what you did right. List recommendations for improvement on situations you didn’t handle as well. By consciously writing these items down, the learning process will be better than just thinking them through. At the end of 10 days, review what you’ve written as the true learning lessons. I plan to do this for the next 30 days, focusing on my work during the workweek and my personal life for the weekends. Whatever you choose, write the instructions down on the first page of your notepad so you won’t forget what you’ve set out to do.

6. ‘I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back…’ — Maya Angelou.  Love truly does make the world go round, which is a core principle of etiquette and this article. We all want to feel loved and give love to every person with which we come into contact. My good friend Dr. Effie Chow recommends we give and receive 8 belly laughs and 8 hugs a day as a way to keep the doctor away. This is definitely something I make every effort to practice daily. It’s as easy as laughing at jokes friends send through email.

7. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou. This is perhaps the core of all quotes above and life. It is a quote I have written in the past and will continue to write as a quote we should all memorize and repeat daily.

8. “I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn…”— Maya Angelou. It is said that the road to success is never finished. With each day and year that passes I am confronted with all I do not know.  So get out there and choose to make a life within etiquette, whereby every action you make and reaction you encounter will always be with the utmost goodness, kindness, consideration, and respect.

Happy Practicing!

QUESTION: Do you have quotes that inspire you?  Post them here to share.  I’d love to hear from you.

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