2025 Public Seminar Dates and Registration

2025 Once A Year:  Core, World-Class International Business Protocol and Social Etiquette
In this one-day, 8.5-hour, intensive core curriculum class, participants gain a solid foundation on the skills associated with international business protocol and social etiquette for meetings, networking, and business dining, through a 3-course tutorial lunch or dinner.

  • For participants able to travel to San Francisco or Oakland (Jack London Square), California, this is an in-person-only seminar. Limited seating allows for maximum personalized training attention, and the seminar includes a 3-course tutorial lunch or dinner.  

    *Allowing for delayed service situations and tons of fun discussions and Q&A, this seminar has been expanded to 8.5 hours to accommodate unforeseen situations and not be rushed
  • This class is only conducted annually because it is being expanded into our new Ultimate Etiquette Accelerator (UEA) 8-10-week program that will blow this seminar out of the water once you see its contents. It contains 'everything' in this one-day seminar and lots more.

    Do continue to attend this one-day course if you cannot attend the full UEA program. However, in our 20+ years in business, we've come to recognize that attending a one-day seminar is never enough to truly master the skills taught in that seminar. There is never enough practice time to make the skills a habit and become truly useful over a lifetime. 

Before class starts
Within two weeks of the seminar start date, class materials and a pre-session questionnaire is sent to all participants. We want to maximize our time together by getting everyone briefed on what will be taking place, plus have everyone thinking about questions they definitely want addresses throughout the seminar.  

Throughout each session
We encourage participants to bring lots of questions to each class, as the best way to bring the lessons to life.

After the course is over:
Each participant receives a special bonus rarely offered by any seminar... the ability to have a private, one-on-one call with Syndi, as your personal follow-up time to answer final questions and to clarify content discussed during the course. We recognize many people don't always think of all the questions they want to know until after they are home, or are reluctant to ask in front of other participants.  This is your chance to capture all you want to gain from this seminar. Many participants report, this private time with Syndi, and the seminar itself, fully makes the investment most worthwhile. 

Lifetime Membership: As a graduate of this seminar, you are automatically enrolled in our special graduates-only group, a/k/a alumni group. All graduates automatically receive a 10% discount on all products and services available, plus during our annual early registration period, is eligible to receive up to a 20% discount.  Look for the special alumni events to take place by Summer 2022, where there will also be fun networking components added to the events and gatherings... again, only for graduates of this course.  

Part 1:  First Impression Communications Skills
"Appropriate behavior says volumes about how much you care about yourself and others"

  • Pre-meeting strategies:  What to think about and do before, during, and following every business meeting
  • International business card savvy:  How to give, receive, keep, and use cards received
  • Adhering to global rank and status and forms of address
  • Business introductions: Proper Greetings and responses to introductions
  • Handshaking techniques historically and in current times
  • Appropriate eye contact and gazes around the world
  • Rising to every occasion
  • Advanced networking techniques to maximize your effectiveness at every occasion.

Part 2:  Cultural Sensitivity
It's no longer optional when gaining the edge in global commerce

  • Understanding cultural differences… me versus them
  • Overview of the Hall and Lewis models to global cultural understanding
  • Body language and Offensive gestures
  • Rehearsal techniques
  • International observances
  • Gift-giving practices: What to give, how to give it; and how to receive it
  • Often-made mistakes in etiquette and protocol

Fundamental writing skills
"Writing well is a hallmark of an educated person"

  • Types of stationary
  • Styles of writing
  • Formatting business versus social correspondence
  • Writing with positive versus negative words
  • Using variations of the Sandwich Technique for all correspondence
  • The importance of RSVPs and Thank-you notes in writing

Part 3:  Professional image and presence
How you appear to others is what image is all about

  • Seven aspects of image and how Image builds business®: 1. Color analysis; 2. Wardrobe strategies; 3. Grooming principles; 4. Communications styles; 5. Protocol & Etiquette; 6. Image objects; 7. Inner image.
  • Dressing for the occasion… What to wear, when, and how
  • Types of attire and the messages of clothing… What is business casual anyway?
  • Traveling smart
  • 24/7 presence

Using Technology in the 22st Century
A considerate individual knows how to use new technology appropriately

  • Email, texting, and social media etiquette
  • Telephone, cell/smartphone, voicemail courtesies

Part 4:  Business Dining from start to finish
Table manners show your level of education in business and society
For the in-person seminar, this module includes a 3-course tutorial lunch or supper.  For online distance learners, this session will be a hand-on walk-through of the meal.  

  • Host duties and Guest responsibilities
  • Place settings as a road map to your dining
  • Proper flatware usage: American versus Continental styles of eating
  • History of American zig-zag and Continental Style of eating
  • Tons of Table manners!
  • Guest of honor guidelines
  • Drinking and Toasting practices: How to give and receive a toast
  • Appropriate dining conversations
  • Global tipping standards
  • Strategic do’s and don’ts; Often-made mistakes in in etiquette and protocol
  • Informal Q&A and discussion during the meal

Who should attend
This core curriculum seminar is ideal for any person wanting to polish their interpersonal skills, so others will get to know, like, and trust you . It focuses on the vital principles and habits for success in any business and social situation, anywhere in the world. Among the ideal participants include:

  • Entrepreneurs, executives, and business professionals, whether conducting business locally,
         within the U.S., or globally in other countries
  • Foreign-nationals wanting to gain new skills to succeed in global commerce
  • Adults 18 years of age and older wanting to master new skills in all areas of business and
         social interactions
  • College and post-graduate students preparing to enter the workforce and climb the ladder to
         the highest levels of business success

Why Attend
Education is key to all success and nearly everything in life is a learned skill. To be in-the-know and empowered with the skills, techniques, and framework for success in both business and personal life lasts a lifetime. Unlike any other course you will ever attend, this seminar is life-changing, I promise!  The confidence gained with the ability to display the right behaviors, anywhere, anytime, with authority is priceless!

When to Attend
S.F. - Saturday, 14 June 2025 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

$688 - In-person, one-time investment. Payment plans are available upon request.  

Last, be sure to sign up for our newsletters as shown below to be kept informed of the latest news on seminars and other services, plus receive our Etiquette Tip of the Month e-newsletter.  For questions, please email us at info@advancedetiquette.com. We'd enjoy hearing from you.